Reading Anselm: Context and Criticism

A conference to be held at Boston College, 27-30 July 2015.

For more details go to conference website.
This Blogsite is dedicated to the work and legacy of Anselm of Aosta, Bec and Canterbury, who died in Canterbury on 21 April 1109.

© 2008-2015 Ian Logan. All rights reserved.
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Thursday 29 July 2010

Recent Publications - July 2010


Sara L. Uckelman, 'The Ontological Argument and Russell's Antinomy' in Logic and Logical Philosophy, 18 (2010) 309-312.

Abstract. In this short note we respond to the claim made by Christopher Viger that Anselm’s so-called ontological argument falls prey to Russell’s paradox. We show that Viger’s argument is based on a flawed premise and hence does not in fact demonstrate what he claims it demonstrates.