Reading Anselm: Context and Criticism

A conference to be held at Boston College, 27-30 July 2015.

For more details go to conference website.
This Blogsite is dedicated to the work and legacy of Anselm of Aosta, Bec and Canterbury, who died in Canterbury on 21 April 1109.

© 2008-2015 Ian Logan. All rights reserved.
To notify me of recent publications, forthcoming events or anything of interest to Anselm scholars, please contact me using the form provided:

Saturday 17 August 2013

Recent Publications - August 2013

T.J. Holopainen, 'Review of G.E.M. Gasper & I. Logan (Edd.), Saint Anselm of Canterbury and His Legacy, (Durham Medieval and Renaissance Monographs and Essays, vol. 2), Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham, and Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 2012' in Heythrop Journal, 54 (2013) 460-461.

P. Madigan, 'Review of J. Truax, Archbishops Ralph D'Escures, William of Corbeil and Theobald of Bec: Heirs of Anselm and Ancestors of Becket, Ashgate, Farnham 2012' in Heythrop Journal, 54 (2013) 469.

Links to further reviews of Eileen Sweeney's excellent book, Anselm of Canterbury and the Desire for the Word:

 E. de Gaal Gyulai in Speculum

 A.J. Novikoff in The Medieval Review

My review of her book will be appearing in New Blackfriars at some point in the (near?) future.